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Sorry, we have run () lobster.


B.out of

C.out from


更多“Sorry, we have run () lobster.”相关的问题


听力原文:M: Hello, Madam. What can I do for you?W: Hi. Uh... I bought this MP3 player here

听力原文:M: Hello, Madam. What can I do for you?

W: Hi. Uh... I bought this MP3 player here one year ago. But it doesn't work now.

M: Oh, dear. I am sorry to hear that.

W: I want to have it fixed. I am sure you can deal with it, right?

M: Absolutely. Will you please show me your sales slip?

W: Yeah, here it is.

M: I'm sorry, Madam. We can fix it for you, but I'm afraid that you have to pay for that.

W: Why? You promised that you would fix it for free if it has any problems.

M: Yes, we did. But that was valid within one year. You see, yours has run out.

W. Well, it...uh...ran out a week ago, but I didn't drop it off a building or anything. What difference can a week make?

M: I'm sorry. We only have a one-year guarantee. So we can't...

W: Can't you make any exception? That is only a week.

M: Sorry, Madam. If we make it for you, we'll have to make it for everybody.

W: Actually it didn't work a week ago, but at that time I was too busy to bring it here. So strictly speaking the time when it got bad was really within the one-year guarantee.

M: Well, Madam. You should have brought it in earlier. There is nothing I can do for you.

W: So you surely can't give me an exception?

M: Sorry, Madam. The rules are the rules.

W: OK. You just fix it. I'll pay for that.


A.In a supermarket.

B.At a shop.

C.In a grocery.

D.At a repair shop.



听力原文:W: Hello, sir. What can I do for you?M: Hi. I have this cassette player here that

听力原文:W: Hello, sir. What can I do for you?

M: Hi. I have this cassette player here that I bought a few months ago, and it just ruined four of my favorite cassettes.

W: I'm sorry.

M: So, I'd like you to fix it or refund my money.

W: May I see your sales slip, please?

M: Yeah, here it is.

W: I'm sorry, sir. Your warranty was good for only six months. It expired ten days ago.

M: Well, what difference does ten days make? The machine was obviously defective when I bought it.

W: Well, the workers in our service center can look at it, but there will be a charge.

M: A charge? I thought you would fix it for free.

W: I'm sorry, sir. Your warranty has run out. There's nothing I can do for yon.

M: No. No, look. I didn't drop it off a building or anything. I mean, what difference can ten days make? I mean, you can...

W: Sir, I'm sorry, we have the six-month rule for a reason. We can't...

M: Well, you can bend the rule a little bit, can't you?

W: Make an exception for you? Then we'll have to make one for everybody. Well, sir, you knew when your warranty ran out. You should have brought it in before. It was guaranteed for six months and six months only. There's nothing I can do for you.

What is wrong with the cassette recorder?

A.It was damaged.

B.It doesn't work.

C.It destroyed tapes.

D.It can't record things.



听力原文:F: Good morning, Stationery Department.

M: Hello, is that Jane?

F: No, Jane's on holiday, I'm afraid. This is Linda. Can I help you?

M: I'd like to order some...

F: Just a minute, I'll get an order form. Right, yes. Sorry, you'd like to order...?

M: Yes, some photocopying paper please. We're about to run out and we've got a lot of work coming up.

F: It will take a couple of days. We've run out as well. Jane forgot to order some before she went on holiday.

M: Oh dear! That's a nuisance!

F: How many packets shall I order for you?

M: Let's see... Ten. No, wait, better make it fifteen. That should keep us going for a couple of months.

F: OK. Can I have your name please?

M: Yes, it's Peter Crusoe.

F: Oh, I know, you're in Accounts, aren't you?

M: Yes, that's right.

F: OK. I'll put the order through. When do you want it by?

M: Well, do you think you could have it by Tuesday?

F: We'll do our best.

M: Thanks.

?Look at the form. below.

?You will hear a man placing an order for some office stationery.

            ORDER FORM

Order No: 10242            Date: Oct. 16th

Type of Goods: (5)______ 

Quantity: (6)______ 

Deliver to: Peter Crusoe in (7)______ 

When required: (8)______



听力原文:W: Hello, sir. What can I do for you?M: Hi, I have this cassette player here. I b

听力原文:W: Hello, sir. What can I do for you?

M: Hi, I have this cassette player here. I bought it about six months ago. And it just ruined four of my favorite jazz cassettes, not including other kinds.

W: Oh dear, I'm sorry.

M: So I wanted you to fix it. I'm sure it will be no problem, right?

W: Your sales slip, please7

M: Yeah, here it is.

W: I'm sorry, sir. Your warranty's expired.

M: Well, it ran out ten days ago, but I'm sure that you'll ... you'll ... fix the machine for free, because the machine was obviously defective when I bought it. I ...

W: I'm sorry, sir. Your warranty has run out. There's nothing I can do.

M: No. No, look. No. I didn't drop it off a building or anything. I mean, what difference can ten days make? I mean you ... you can...

W: Sir, I'm sorry, we have the six- month rule for a reason. We can't . ..

M: Well, but you can bend the rule a little bit.

W: Make an exception for you. Then we'll have to make an exception for everybody. You could say it's only a month, it's only two months.

M: I just lost twenty dollars worth of tapes.

W: Sir, I'm sorry, it's too late.

M: Paying for this is adding insult to injury. I mean, surely you're going to make good on this cassette player. It's ... it's ... it's a good cassette player., but it's just defective. I mean, I can't pay for this.

W: Well, sir, I'm sorry, you should have brought it in earlier.

M: But surely you won't hold me to ten days on this.

W: Sir, the rules are the rules. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do.


A.The cassette player.

B.The sales slip.

C.Worth of tapes.

D.Warranty's expired.



Sorry, at the moment I have no time to (run errands with) anybody.()


听力原文:W: Hello, sir. What can I do for you?M: Hi, I have this cassette player here. I b

听力原文:W: Hello, sir. What can I do for you?

M: Hi, I have this cassette player here. I bought it about six months ago. And it just ruined four of my favorite jazz cassettes, not including other kinds.

W: Oh dear, I'm sorry.

M: So I wanted you to fix it. I'm sure it will be no problem, right?

W: Your sales slip, please?

M: Yeah, here it is.

W: I'm sorry, sir. Your warranty's expired.

M: Well, it ran out ten days ago, but I'm sure that you'll...you'll...fix the machine for free, because the machine was obviously defective when I bought it. I...

W: I'm sorry, sir. Your warranty has run out. There's nothing I can do:

M: No. No, look. No. I didn't drop it off a building or anything. I mean, what difference can ten days make? I mean you... you can.

W: Sir, I'm sorry, we have the six -month rule for a reason. We can't...

M: Well, but you can bend the rule a little bit.

W: Make an exception for you. Then we'll have to make an exception for everybody. You could say it's only a month, it's only two months.

M: I just lost twenty dollars worth of tapes.

W: Sir, I'm sorry, it's too late.

M: Paying for this is adding insult to injury. I mean, surely you're going to make good on this cassette player. It's...it's...it's a good cassette player, but it's just defective. I mean, I can't pay for this.

W: Well, sir, I'm tarry, you should have brought it in earlier.

M: But surely you won't hold me to ten days on this.

W: Sir, the rules are the rules. I'm sorry, hut there's nothing I can do.


A.The cassette player

B.The sales slip.

C.Worth of tapes.

D.Warranty's expired.



听力原文:W: Look, I don't want to be a nuisance, but I'm afraid I'm not happy with my room.

M: I'm sorry about that, madam. What's the matter?

W: Well, frankly, the state of decoration is appalling ...

M: Ah, yes, madam. That room is due to be redecorated next week.

W: Also, the window won't open ...

M: Won't it, madam? I'll get George to come and look at it.

W: ... and I can't get any hot water in the shower.

M: Ah, perhaps you didn't run the water long enough, madam.

W: I ran it for four or five minutes. That should be long enough.

M: George ... George ... Hart, will you go up to room 43 ... and check the shower and see if you can open the window ...

W: Look, I'm sorry but I'd like another room.

M: Shall we see if we can sort out these little difficulties first, madam?

W: As far as room 43 is concerned, I don't mind what you do, but I want a clean room, in reasonable decorative order, with windows that open and a shower that works.

M: Let me see ... I can let you have a double room, madam.

W: I don't want a double room. I want a single room.

M: I'm sorry, madam, but I'm afraid 43 is the only single room available at the moment. However, I could have a word with the manager when he comes in.

W: I think you'd better.

A.The decoration is terrible.

B.The window won't open.

C.The room isn't clean.

D.There is no hot water for the shower.



听力原文:W: Look, I don't want to be a nuisance, but I'm afraid I'm not happy with my room

M: I'm sorry about that, madam. What's the matter?

W: Well, frankly, the state of decoration is appalling ...

M: Ah, yes, madam. That room is due to be redecorated next week.

W: Also, the window won't open ...

M: Won't it, madam? I'll get George to come and look at it.

W: ... and I can't get any hot water in the shower.

M: Ah, perhaps you didn't run the water long enough, madam.

W: I ran it for four or five minutes. That should be long enough.

M: George ... George ... Hart, will you go up to room 43 ... and check the shower and see if you can open the window ...

W: Look, I'm sorry but I'd like another room.

M: Shall we see if we can sort out these little difficulties first, madam?

W: As far as room 43 is concerned, I don't mind what you do, but I want a clean room, in reasonable decorative order, with windows that open and a shower that works.

M: Let me see ... I can let you have a double room, madam.

W: I don't want a double room. I want a single room.

M: I'm sorry, madam, but I'm afraid 43 is the only single room available at the moment. However, I could have a word with the manager when he comes in.

W: I think you'd better.


A.The decoration is terrible.

B.The window won't open.

C.The room isn't clean.

D.There is no hot water for the shower.



Which sentence means "you are busy"?

A、I am sorry I have to run off.

B、I'm glad to be your friend.

C、I am so lucky

D、I'm snowed under.



Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.(用方框里的词组的正确形式填空) find out take away make out bring about run out of Sorry, we’ve coffee. Would you like some tea instead?

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