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I have a good memory and am able to()facts easily.





更多“I have a good memory and am able to( )facts easily.”相关的问题


—Could you tell me ________?—"Rome is not built in a day." You should try to
—Could you tell me ________?—"Rome is not built in a day." You should try to

—Could you tell me ________?

—"Rome is not built in a day." You should try to give it enough chances to become strong.

A. What can I do to have a good memory

B. what I can do to have a good memory

C. why I should have a good memory

D. how I can do to have a good memory



What is【21】that a teacher most wants in his students? Attentiveness? A good memory?Diligen

What is【21】that a teacher most wants in his students? Attentiveness? A good memory? Diligence? Certainly these are the qualities commonly【22】with "good students" in the【23】mind. And certainly, too, these are the qualities that most【24】to teachers' comfort.

But the best students I ever had,【25】I remember the most wistfully, was a talkative, lazy day-dreamer. Sometimes he turned assignments in【26】, and a few he never【27】around to doing at all. Actually, my admiration for him was ironic,【28】I have never liked the name Ronald,【29】suggests to me the assumed name of a movie star. But he made one whole year of my【30】experience a delight.








What is (21) that a teacher most wants in his students? Attentiveness? A good memory? Dili

What is (21) that a teacher most wants in his students? Attentiveness? A good memory? Diligence? Certainly these are the qualities commonly (22) with "good students" in the (23) mind. And certainly, too, these are the qualities that most (24) to teachers' comfort.

But the best students I ever had, (25) I remember the most wistfully, was a talkative, lazy day-dreamer. Sometimes he turned assignments in (26) , and a few he never (27) around to doing at all. Actually, my admiration for him was ironic, (28) I have never liked the name Ronald, (29) suggests to me the assumed name of a movie star. But he made one whole year of my (30) experience a delight.


A. there

B. they

C. it

D. that



Good sense is the most equitably distributed thing in the world, for each man considers himself so well provided with it that even those who are most difficult to satisfy in everything else do not usually wish to have more of it than they have already. It is not likely that everyone is, mistaken in this; it shows, rather, that the ability to judge rightly and separate the true from the false, which is essentially what is called good sense or reason, is by nature equal in all men, and thus that our opinions differ not because some men are better endowed with reason than others, but only because we direct our thoughts along different paths, and do not consider the same things, for it is not enough to have a good mind: what is most important is to apply it rightly. The greatest souls are capable of the greatest vices; and those who walk very slowly can advance much further, if they always keep to the direct road, than those who run and go astray.

  For my part, I have never presumed my mind to be more perfect than average in any way; I have, in fact, often wished that my thoughts were as quick, or my imagination as precise and distinct, or my memory as capacious or prompt, as those of some other men.

  And I know of no other qualities than these which make for the perfection of the mind; for as to reason, or good sense, inasmuch as it alone makes us men and distinguishes us from the beasts, I am quite willing to believe that it is whole and entire in each of us, and to follow in the common opinion of the philosophers who say that there are differences of more or less only among the accidents, and not among the forms, or natures, of the individuals of a single species.

According to the author, the three elements that comprise the perfect mind are ______.

A.tenacity of thought, capacious memory, quickness of mind

B.precise imagination, tenacity of memory, quickness of thought

C.quickness of wit, ease of conscience, quickness of thought

D.promptness of memory, distinctness of imagination, quickness of thought



Good sense is the most equitably distributed thing in the world, for each man considers hi
mself so well provided with it that even those who are most difficult to satisfy in everything else do not usually wish to have more of it than they have already. It is not likely that everyone is, mistaken in this; it shows, rather, that the ability to judge rightly and separate the true from the false, which is essentially what is called good sense or reason, is by nature equal in all men, and thus that our opinions differ not because some men are better endowed with reason than others, but only because we direct our thoughts along different paths, and do not consider the same things, for it is not enough to have a good mind: what is most important is to apply it rightly. The greatest souls are capable of the greatest vices; and those who walk very slowly can advance much further, if they always keep to the direct road, than those who run and go astray.

For my part, I have never presumed my mind to be more perfect than average in any way; I have, in fact, often wished that my thoughts were as quick, or my imagination as precise and distinct, or my memory as capacious or prompt, as those of some other men.

And I know of no other qualities than these which make for the perfection of the mind; for as to reason, or good sense, inasmuch as it alone makes us men and distinguishes us from the beasts, I am quite willing to believe that it is whole and entire in each of us, and to follow in the common opinion of the philosophers who say that there are differences of more or less only among the accidents, and not among the forms, or natures, of the individuals of a single species.

According to the author, the three elements that comprise the perfect mind are ______.

A.tenacity of thought, capacious memory, quickness of mind

B.precise imagination, tenacity of memory, quickness of thought

C.quickness of wit, ease of conscience, quickness of thought

D.promptness of memory, distinctness of imagination, quickness of thought



What is【21】that a teacher most wants in his students? Attentiveness? A good memory? Diligence? Certainly these are the qualities commonly【22】with "good students" in the【23】mind. And certainly, too, these are the qualities that most【24】to teachers' comfort.

  But the best students I ever had,【25】I remember the most wistfully, was a talkative, lazy day-dreamer. Sometimes he turned assignments in【26】, and a few he never【27】around to doing at all. Actually, my admiration for him was ironic,【28】I have never liked the name Ronald,【29】suggests to me the assumed name of a movie star. But he made one whole year of my【30】experience a delight.







A good hearing memory will help your child do better in school. Your child's hearing ability is normal. Yet, he may seem to be very poor at remembering and understanding what he's heard at school.

  Why should this be? It's because he's not using his heating ability to help him remember and understand what he's been taught.

  Some children get into the habit of learning and remembering things by what they hear. They've got good hearing memories. Other children find it easier to learn and remember things by what they see. They've got good seeing memories. Some children have equally good ability at both seeing and hearing in learning things. Others, less fortunate, seem to have poor hearing and seeing-memories. Most children, I'd say, unknowingly prefer one method over the other for learning and remembering.

  But this favoring of one sense over the other is a bad habit and deprives (使......不能) the child of the full use of his natural senses. Mrs. Alien was clearly incredulous when I told her there was nothing wrong with her son's heating. "But he never seems to really understand what he hears, that's what his teachers tell me," she said.

  "My psychological examination of William shows he's weak in his hearing memory," I said, "but he has perfectly normal intelligence and can learn in school."

  "Our family doctor examined William and he says the boy's hearing was all right. So, that proves you're right on that point," admitted Mrs. Alien. "So how can we help him? My husband and I will do anything you say, Dr. Dursteln."

  "You can do a lot to improve William's hearing memory, but it'll take time. You must be patient and not expect results immediately." I cautioned.

  I suggested a detailed program for the parents to use at home. I told Mrs. Alien to come back and see me every two weeks so that I could guide her in any problem she had in using my program.

Those who have poor hearing memories______.

A.cannot hear sounds clearly

B.are poor at remembering and understanding what they have learned

C.are poor at learning things by what they have heard

D.have the habit of learning things by what they have heard of



A good hearing memory will help your child do better in school. Your child's hearing abili
ty is normal. Yet, he may seem to be very poor at remembering and understanding what he's heard at school.

Why should this be? It's because he's not using his heating ability to help him remember and understand what he's been taught.

Some children get into the habit of learning and remembering things by what they hear. They've got good hearing memories. Other children find it easier to learn and remember things by what they see. They've got good seeing memories. Some children have equally good ability at both seeing and hearing in learning things. Others, less fortunate, seem to have poor hearing and seeing-memories. Most children, I'd say, unknowingly prefer one method over the other for learning and remembering.

But this favoring of one sense over the other is a bad habit and deprives (使......不能) the child of the full use of his natural senses. Mrs. Alien was clearly incredulous when I told her there was nothing wrong with her son's heating. "But he never seems to really understand what he hears, that's what his teachers tell me," she said.

"My psychological examination of William shows he's weak in his hearing memory," I said, "but he has perfectly normal intelligence and can learn in school."

"Our family doctor examined William and he says the boy's hearing was all right. So, that proves you're right on that point," admitted Mrs. Alien. "So how can we help him? My husband and I will do anything you say, Dr. Dursteln."

"You can do a lot to improve William's hearing memory, but it'll take time. You must be patient and not expect results immediately." I cautioned.

I suggested a detailed program for the parents to use at home. I told Mrs. Alien to come back and see me every two weeks so that I could guide her in any problem she had in using my program.

Those who have poor hearing memories______.

A.cannot hear sounds clearly

B.are poor at remembering and understanding what they have learned

C.are poor at learning things by what they have heard

D.have the habit of learning things by what they have heard of




Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Margaret: Good morning, Mr. White.

White: Good morning, Margaret. Take a seat. How are your studies?

Margaret: OK. But I find I have a lot of things to learn by heart.

White: Yes, English is not easy to learn. Well, do you have a good memory?

Margaret: Yes, I think I do.

White: Most people do have a good memory but many of them do not really know how to use their memories to remember the things they want to.

Margaret: That's interesting.

White: Yes, that may seem funny, but it is true. With a better understanding of how to use your memory, you will be able to remember more things and retain them for a longer time. There are three things to do to prepare your memory.

Margaret: What three things?

White: First is understanding. Before you can remember something, you must have a good understanding of it. It is very difficult to remember something you do not understand completely.

Margaret: Yes, I agree with this.

White: And the next is to associate.

Margaret: What does associate mean?

White: To associate means "to go together." When you associate, you think of some way in which the things you want to remember go together. It is easier to remember a set of facts if you can associate them in some way.

Margaret: It is very helpful to learn this way.

White: The last thing is to visualize. Visualizing is seeing something in your mind.

Margaret: I see. To visualize means to close our eyes and try to picture the things we want to remember.

White: Yes, try to picture how they go together. When you visualize the facts it will help you remember them.

Margaret: That's very interesting. I haven't done this before. I'll try it next time and see how it goes.

White: Now we have gone through the three steps to prepare your memory. There are the three steps you should follow to memorize any set of facts.

Margaret: Tell me more about these steps.

White: You know that to memorize means to fix something firmly in your memory. One way is to recite the facts over and over again, until you can recall them all easily. Do you recite the things you want to memorize?

Margaret: Yes, I often read the new vocabularies out loud and try to memorize them.

White: That's a good way to remember things. Tell me how do you recite things?

Margaret: Well, first I write the facts in a list. Then I begin to say the facts over and over again till I can remember them. The one thing I find most difficult for me is to remember either the beginning or the end of the list.

White: So how do you solve this problem?

Margaret: I place the easier facts to remember near the middle of my list, then recite the facts. I've found that when I do this it's much easier to memorize the complete list without forgetting a single fact.

White: Oh, that's good. The second step is to overlearn.

Margaret: What does overlearn mean?

White: To overlearn something is to learn it so thoroughly that you can recall it as quickly as you can recall your own name. If you cannot recall the facts that quickly and easily, you have not reached the overlearning stage.

Margaret: I see. To overlearn is to learn something so well that you can recall it very easily whenever you want to.

White: Yes, to overlearn something, you must recite it many times, even after you think you know it very well. The last step is to review.

Margaret: I often review my lessons.

White: That's good. You know if you want to keep something in your memory for a long time, you must review it. To review is to go back over things you have learned. At first you may want to review every day. In short time, e

A.A good memory is very important in studying English.

B.The complex movement of human brains.

C.Human memory and how to use it.

D.The importance of having a good memory.



SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Margaret: Good morning, Mr. White.

White: Good morning, Margaret. Take a seat. How are your studies?

Margaret: OK. But I find I have a lot of things to learn by heart.

White: Yes, English is not easy to learn. Well, do you have a good memory?

Margaret: Yes, I think I do.

White: Most people do have a good memory but many of them do not really know how to use their memories to remember the things they want to.

Margaret: That's interesting.

White: Yes, that may seem funny, but it is true. With a better understanding of how to use your memory, you will be able to remember more things and retain them for a longer time. There are three things to do to prepare your memory.

Margaret: What three things?

White: First is understanding. Before you can remember something, you must have a good understanding of it. It is very difficult to remember something you do not understand completely.

Margaret: Yes, I agree with this.

White: And the next is to associate.

Margaret: What does associate mean?

White: To associate means "to go together." When you associate, you think of some way in which the things you want to remember go together. It is easier to remember a set of facts if you can associate them in some way.

Margaret: It is very helpful to learn this way.

White: The last thing is to visualize. Visualizing is seeing something in your mind.

Margaret: I see. To visualize means to close our eyes and try to picture the things we want to remember.

White: Yes, try to picture how they go together. When you visualize the facts it will help you remember them.

Margaret: That's very interesting. I haven't done this before. I'll try it next time and see how it goes.

White: Now we have gone through the three steps to prepare your memory. There are the three steps you should follow to memorize any set of facts.

Margaret: Tell me more about these steps.

White: You know that to memorize means to fix something firmly in your memory. One way is to recite the facts over and over again, until you can recall them all easily. Do you recite the things you want to memorize?

Margaret: Yes, I often read the new vocabularies out loud and try to memorize them.

White: That's a good way to remember things. Tell me how do you recite things?

Margaret: Well, first I write the facts in a list. Then I begin to say the facts over and over again till I can remember them. The one thing I find most difficult for me is to remember either the beginning or the end of the list.

White: So how do you solve this problem?

Margaret: I place the easier facts to remember near the middle of my list, then recite the facts. I've found that when I do this it's much easier to memorize the complete list without forgetting a single fact.

White: Oh, that's good. The second step is to overlearn.

Margaret: What does overlearn mean?

White: To overlearn something is to learn it so thoroughly that you can recall it as quickly as you can recall your own name. If you cannot recall the facts that quickly and easily, you have not reached the overlearning stage.

Margaret: I see. To overlearn is to learn something so well that you can recall it very easily whenever you want to.

White: Yes, to overlearn something, you must recite it many times, even after you think you know it very well. The last step is to review.

Margaret: I often review my lessons.

White: That's good. You know if you want to keep something in your memory for a long time, you must review it. To review is to go back over things you have learned. At first you may want to review every day. In short time, e

A.A good memory is very important in studying English.

B.The complex movement of human brains.

C.Human memory and how to use it.

D.The importance of having a good memory.


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