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Immigration card is also called arrival card, which has to be filled out by the arrivi

ng tourists.()


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The international tour group will present the following documents except when going through immigration control.


B.luggage tag

C.group visa

D.China entry card




A.credentials 证件

B.visa 签证

C.the immigration card入境登记卡

D.plane ticket 机票



The author’proposal differs from the  Immigration and Naturalization Act of l990 in___________.

[A]the kind of green card

[B]the amount of investment  capital

[C]the budget for the whole  process

[D]the certainty of issuing green  cards








The author’proposal differs from the Immigration and Naturalization Act of l990 in___________.[A]the kind of green card[B]the amount of investment capital[C]the budget for the whole process[D]the certainty of issuing green cards



Questions 18-22

According to the text, FIVE of the following statements are true. Write the corresponding letters in answer boxes 18 to 22 in any order.

A. The writer believes that the European Commission's latest ideas on immigration don't make sense.

B. The EU does not need any more skilled workers from outside the EU.

C. The EU has a plan to employ pilots from Africa.

D. The EU "blue card" scheme has not been accepted yet.

E. The new scheme will rely on new technology.

F. The EU plans to make it easier to get visas for citizens of countries that help the EU with its new immigration policies.

G. All the new members of the EU are former Communist countries.

H. In the EU, there is not much support for immigration from non-EU countries.



Immigration stirs up strong enough fears to justify questionable measures of protection ag
ainst it— from arrests at the doors of French schools to the border wall that separates the USA from Mexico. Economic research suggests that the intensity of these reactions seems completely disproportionate to immigrations real economic impact on the local population. David Card has shown that even massive waves of immigration dont result in lower salaries or fewer jobs for local people in the US. In a recent survey article, he concluded that the "new immigration" assimilates just as well as previous waves had, and that the wages and employment prospects of natives are not any lower in cities that received more migrants. Furthermore, Patricia Cortes also showed that an increase in the number of immigrants causes a price-drop in the sectors where theyre concentrated.




Our analysis therefore suggests  that the real problem facing the black community lies in the educational  obstacles prior to the Phi)programs rather than in the pour-in of foreign  students.Equally,our analysis suggests that we ought to treat foreign students as an  important source of brain gain for us and that we ought to facilitate。rather than hinder,their arrival and their  entry into our work force.How could this be done7There  is a long-standing provision in our immigration laws under which those who  bring in a certain amount of financial capital(which will“create jobs”)are  allowed to immigrate:A foreigner who invests one  million dollars in a commercial enterprise established in a high-unemployment  area,which creates jobs for at least ten Americans。is automatically given immigrant status(i.e.,a green card).We suggest extending the idea  from financial to human capital.

Currently.graduate students who wish  to stay on in the United States after their PhDs must be sponsored by their  employers,a process that imposes substantial hardship  both on the students and on smaller employers.

The standard procedure is in two  stages.First,the US Department of Labor must,on the basis  of a US employer’s sponsorship,certify  that“no American can do this job”.Then,the would-be immigrant must apply for immigrant status at the  Immigration and Naturalization Service(INS).If all goes  right,the entire process takes about two  vears(considerably more for citizens of certain countries).But things may not go right:there could be  Droblems at either stage.Thus,the  employer or the“alien”must hire an immigration lawyer.The  current process,then,is costly  both to the would-be immigrant and to the employer(and hence,it unfairly Denalizes smaller firms that cannot afford this  expensive process and so cannot recruit this foreign talent).

The Immigration and Naturalization  Act of l990 introduced an alternative route for professors and researchers to  secure immigrant status.Essentially,it eliminates the average  processing time to about one year,but it does not eliminate any of the  uncertainty or the need for expensive legal counsel.

We budget that automatic green  cards be given to all those who obtain a Phi)in the science and engineering  programs at our universities.In adopting such a“guaranteed green card”proposal,we would be recognizing the important contribution that these  students make to our leading position in science by giving equal weight to  human capital and financial capital.

{TS}Prior to this text,the  author has most probably made an analysis of___________.

[A]brain gain in the United  States

[B]the cause of problems of the  black people

[C]the US educational programs  for blacks

[D]the procedure of foreign  students’immigration








根据短文,回答{TSE}题 Our analysis therefore suggests that the real problem facing the black community lies in the educational obstacles prior to the Phi)programs rather than in the pour-in of foreign students.Equally,our analysis suggests that we ought to treat foreign students as an important source of brain gain for us and that we ought to facilitate。rather than hinder,their arrival and their entry into our work force.How could this be done7There is a long-standing provision in our immigration laws under which those who bring in a certain amount of financial capital(which will“create jobs”)are allowed to immigrate:A foreigner who invests one million dollars in a commercial enterprise established in a high-unemployment area,which creates jobs for at least ten Americans。is automatically given immigrant status(i.e.,a green card).We suggest extending the idea from financial to human capital.Currently.graduate students who wish to stay on in the United States after their PhDs must be sponsored by their employers,a process that imposes substantial hardship both on the students and on smaller employers.The standard procedure is in two stages.First,the US Department of Labor must,on the basis of a US employer’s sponsorship,certify that“no American can do this job”.Then,the would-be immigrant must apply for immigrant status at the Immigration and Naturalization Service(INS).If all goes right,the entire process takes about two vears(considerably more for citizens of certain countries).But things may not go right:there could be Droblems at either stage.Thus,the employer or the“alien”must hire an immigration lawyer.The current process,then,is costly both to the would-be immigrant and to the employer(and hence,it unfairly Denalizes smaller firms that cannot afford this expensive process and so cannot recruit this foreign talent).The Immigration and Naturalization Act of l990 introduced an alternative route for professors and researchers to secure immigrant status.Essentially,it eliminates the average processing time to about one year,but it does not eliminate any of the uncertainty or the need for expensive legal counsel.We budget that automatic green cards be given to all those who obtain a Phi)in the science and engineering programs at our universities.In adopting such a“guaranteed green card”proposal,we would be recognizing the important contribution that these students make to our leading position in science by giving equal weight to human capital and financial capital.{TS}Prior to this text,the author has most probably made an analysis of___________.[A]brain gain in the United States[B]the cause of problems of the black people[C]the US educational programs for blacks[D]the procedure of foreign students’immigration



Our analysis therefore suggests that the real problem facing the black community lies in t
he educational obstacles prior to the Ph. D. programs rather than in the pour-in of foreign students. Equally, our analysis suggests that we ought to treat foreign students as an important source of brain gain for us and that we ought to facilitate, rather than hinder, their arrival and their entry into our work force. How could this be done?

There is a long-standing provision in our immigration laws under which those who bring in a certain amount of financial capital (which will "create jobs") are allowed to immigrate: A foreigner who invests one million dollars in a commercial enterprise established in a high-unemployment area, which creates jobs for at least ten Americans, is automatically given immigrant status (i.e., a green card). We suggest extending the idea from financial to human capital.

Currently, graduate students who wish to stay on in the United States after their Ph. D. s must be sponsored by their employers, a process that imposes substantial hardship both on the students and on smaller employers.

The standard procedure is in two stages. First, the U. S. Department of Labor must, on the basis of a U. S. employer's sponsorship, certify that "no American can do this job." Then, the would-be immigrant must apply for immigrant status at the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). If all goes right, the entire process takes about two years (considerably more for citizens of certain countries). But things may not go right: there could be problems at either stage. Thus, the employer or the "alien" must hire an immigration lawyer. The current process, then, is costly both to the would-be immigrant and to the employer (and hence, it unfairly penalizes smaller firms that cannot afford this expensive process and so cannot recruit this foreign talent).

The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1990 introduced an alternative route for professors and researchers to secure immigrant status. Essentially, it eliminates the average processing time to about one year, it does not eliminate any of the uncertainty or the need for expensive legal counsel.

We budget that automatic green cards be given to all those who obtain a Ph. D. in the science and engineering programs at our universities. In adopting such a "guaranteed green card" proposal, we would be recognizing the important contribution that these students make to our leading position in science by giving equal weight to human capital and financial capital.

Prior to this text, the author has most probably made an analysis of ______.

A.brain gain in the United States.

B.the cause of problems of the black people.

C.the U. S educational programs for blacks.

D.the procedure of foreign students' immigration.



Our analysis therefore suggests that the real problem facing the black community lies in t
he educational obstacles prior to the Ph. D. programs rather than in the pour-in of foreign students. Equally, our analysis suggests that we ought to treat foreign students as an important source of brain gain for us and that we ought to facilitate, rather than hinder, their arrival and their entry into our work force. How could this be done?

There is a long-standing provision in our immigration laws under which those who bring in a certain amount of financial capital (which will "create jobs") are allowed to immigrate: A foreigner who invests one million dollars in a commercial enterprise established in a high-unemployment area, which creates jobs for at least ten Americans, is automatically given immigrant status (i.e., a green card). We suggest extending the idea from financial to human capital.

Currently, graduate students who wish to stay on in the United States after their Ph. D. s must be sponsored by their employers, a process that imposes substantial hardship both on the students and on smaller employers.

The standard procedure is in two stages. First, the U. S. Department of Labor must, on the basis of a U. S. employer's sponsorship, certify that "no American can do this job." Then, the would-be immigrant must apply for immigrant status at the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). If all goes right, the entire process takes about two years (considerably more for citizens of certain countries). But things may not go right: there could be problems at either stage. Thus, the employer or the "alien" must hire an immigration lawyer. The current process, then, is costly both to the would-be immigrant and to the employer (and hence, it unfairly penalizes smaller firms that cannot afford this expensive process and so cannot recruit this foreign talent).

The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1990 introduced an alternative route for professors and researchers to secure immigrant status. Essentially, it eliminates the average processing time to about one year, it does not eliminate any of the uncertainty or the need for expensive legal counsel.

We budget that automatic green cards be given to all those who obtain a Ph. D. in the science and engineering programs at our universities. In adopting such a "guaranteed green card" proposal, we would be recognizing the important contribution that these students make to our leading position in science by giving equal weight to human capital and financial capital.

Prior to this text, the author has most probably made an analysis of ______.

A.brain gain in the United States.

B.the cause of problems of the black people.

C.the U. S educational programs for blacks.

D.the procedure of foreign students' immigration.


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