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Walking is a () form. of exercise the old man can do to recover from his operation.





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The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem is designed in the form of a Chinese seal showing Beijing is ______.







听力原文: "We need plenty more seals", Oolak said as they parted. He added, "But you don't
shoot seal in water now for they are hard to get".

Two hours passed, during which Bob had heard Oolak's rifle crack four or five times. Bob decided to look for his companion and rejoin him. He climbed an ice pinnacle to look. It was a peaceful scene that met Bob's gaze. White ice stretched before him with little streams flowing across its surface. The low hills and open plains of ice were all bathed in golden sunlight. He did not see Oolak, but he became aware that the dogs had been howling for some time. It dawned on him that the entire team was in an uproar.

When he glanced his way to see what the trouble was, his heart almost froze. Walking toward them was an immense whitish form, sleek head hanging low--a polar bear!

The bear smelled a freshly-killed seal which Oolak had dragged to the sled, and it was this that he was seeking. To the clamor of the dogs he paid no more attention than if it were the buzzing of a fly. In his entire life the huge beast had never known fear, for the. polar bear is the ruler of the ice. He knows no enemies.

According to the passage, it is not easy to get seal

A.in water.

B.on the ice.

C.in the polar region.

D.on the pinnacle.



听力原文:  "We need plenty more seals", Oolak said as they parted. He added, "But you don't shoot seal in water now for they are hard to get".

  Two hours passed, during which Bob had heard Oolak's rifle crack four or five times. Bob decided to look for his companion and rejoin him. He climbed an ice pinnacle to look. It was a peaceful scene that met Bob's gaze. White ice stretched before him with little streams flowing across its surface. The low hills and open plains of ice were all bathed in golden sunlight. He did not see Oolak, but he became aware that the dogs had been howling for some time. It dawned on him that the entire team was in an uproar.

  When he glanced his way to see what the trouble was, his heart almost froze. Walking toward them was an immense whitish form, sleek head hanging low--a polar bear!

  The bear smelled a freshly-killed seal which Oolak had dragged to the sled, and it was this that he was seeking. To the clamor of the dogs he paid no more attention than if it were the buzzing of a fly. In his entire life the huge beast had never known fear, for the. polar bear is the ruler of the ice. He knows no enemies.

According to the passage, it is not easy to get seal

A.in water.

B.on the ice.

C.in the polar region.

D.on the pinnacle.




Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:  (16[C])"We need plenty more seals", Oolak said as they parted. He added, "But you (15[A])don't shoot seal in water now for they axe hard to get".

  Two hours passed, during which Bob had heard Oolak's rifle crack four or five times. (17[A])Boh decided to look for his companion and rejoin him. He climbed an ice pinnacle to look.

  It was a peaceful scene that met Bob's gaze. White ice stretched before him with little streams flowing across its surface. The low hills and open plains of ice were all bathed in golden sunlight.

  He did not see Oolak, but he became aware that the dogs had been howling for some time. It dawned on him that the entire team was in an uproar.

  When he glanced his way to see what the trouble was, his heart almost froze. Walking toward them was an immense whitish form, sleek head hanging low -- a polar bear!

  The bear smelled a freshly killed seal which Oolak had dragged to the sled, and it was this that he was seeking. To the clamor of the dogs he paid no more attention than if it were the buzzing of a fly. In his entire life the huge beast had never known fear, for the polar bear is the ruler of the ice. He knows no enemies.

According to the passage, it is not easy to get seal ______.

A.in water

B.on the ice

C.in the polar region

D.on the pinnacle



SECTION BPASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to th


Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: (16[C])"We need plenty more seals", Oolak said as they parted. He added, "But you (15[A])don't shoot seal in water now for they axe hard to get".

Two hours passed, during which Bob had heard Oolak's rifle crack four or five times. (17[A])Boh decided to look for his companion and rejoin him. He climbed an ice pinnacle to look.

It was a peaceful scene that met Bob's gaze. White ice stretched before him with little streams flowing across its surface. The low hills and open plains of ice were all bathed in golden sunlight.

He did not see Oolak, but he became aware that the dogs had been howling for some time. It dawned on him that the entire team was in an uproar.

When he glanced his way to see what the trouble was, his heart almost froze. Walking toward them was an immense whitish form, sleek head hanging low -- a polar bear!

The bear smelled a freshly killed seal which Oolak had dragged to the sled, and it was this that he was seeking. To the clamor of the dogs he paid no more attention than if it were the buzzing of a fly. In his entire life the huge beast had never known fear, for the polar bear is the ruler of the ice. He knows no enemies.

According to the passage, it is not easy to get seal ______.

A.in water

B.on the ice

C.in the polar region

D.on the pinnacle



In 2009, Dan Black was hit by a car in his hometown of Chepstow, Wales, as he was biking t
o his job at a grocery store. _41_ During his recovery, he suffered a stroke that rendered his right arm useless. Once a promising guitarist, Dan, now 25, lives with his parents and requires around-the-clock care that costs nearly $300,000 a year.After the accident, a friend of his started the Help Dan Black Fund to cover some of Dan&39;s medical expenses. Dan learned about an experimental stem cell treatment in China that could enable him to walk again. _42_ One day, in 2013, a news story caught the eye of Dan&39;s mother, Michaela, who then shared the story with her son. The story featured a five-year-old boy named Brecon Vaughan. _43_ The boy’s family had created a website with which to raise nearly $100,000 needed for a trip to the St. Louis Children&39;s Hospital, where treatment was offered that could help Brecon walk. Only half the amount had been raised, said the report.Dan deliberated. Then, after considering that his own dream of walking could be years away, he donated his $30,000 to Brecon’s cause. “_44_ Brecon doesn’t. He needs it much more than I do.” Dan told a newspaper.Dan’s generosity received a great deal of attention, and contributions started pouring in to the Vaughan website. _45_ They’ve promised to give the excess funds, about $17,000, to the Tree of Hope charity, which helps sick children in the United Kingdom find specialized medical help. In October, Brecon and his family travelled to St. Louis to begin treatment.“What Dan did is great.” Brecon;s mother said “It is an extraordinary gift.”______

A.I know how it feels to walk.

B.The family soon exceeded their fund-raising goal.

C.He had a rare form of disease and never walked by himself.

D.After four years, donations to help Dan Black totaled nearly $30,000.

E.The accident left him unable to move from the chest down.

F.This is the only thing I could do to help him.

G.His dream to be a musician shattered.

A.I know how it feels to walk.

B.The family soon exceeded their fund-raising goal.

C.He had a rare form of disease and never walked by himself.

D.After four years, donations to help Dan Black totaled nearly $30,000.

E.The accident left him unable to move from the chest down.

F.This is the only thing I could do to help him.

G.His dream to be a musician shattered.

A.I know how it feels to walk.

B.The family soon exceeded their fund-raising goal.

C.He had a rare form of disease and never walked by himself.

D.After four years, donations to help Dan Black totaled nearly $30,000.

E.The accident left him unable to move from the chest down.

F.This is the only thing I could do to help him.

G.His dream to be a musician shattered.

A.I know how it feels to walk.

B.The family soon exceeded their fund-raising goal.

C.He had a rare form of disease and never walked by himself.

D.After four years, donations to help Dan Black totaled nearly $30,000.

E.The accident left him unable to move from the chest down.

F.This is the only thing I could do to help him.

G.His dream to be a musician shattered.

A.I know how it feels to walk.

B.The family soon exceeded their fund-raising goal.

C.He had a rare form of disease and never walked by himself.

D.After four years, donations to help Dan Black totaled nearly $30,000.

E.The accident left him unable to move from the chest down.

F.This is the only thing I could do to help him.

G.His dream to be a musician shattered.




In 2009, Dan Black was hit by a car in his hometow...

In 2009, Dan Black was hit by a car in his hometown of Chepstow, Wales, as he was biking to his job at a grocery store. _41_ During his recovery, he suffered a stroke that rendered his right arm useless. Once a promising guitarist, Dan, now 25, lives with his parents and requires around-the-clock care that costs nearly $300,000 a year.After the accident, a friend of his started the Help Dan Black Fund to cover some of Dan&39;s medical expenses. Dan learned about an experimental stem cell treatment in China that could enable him to walk again. _42_ One day, in 2013, a news story caught the eye of Dan&39;s mother, Michaela, who then shared the story with her son. The story featured a five-year-old boy named Brecon Vaughan. _43_ The boy’s family had created a website with which to raise nearly $100,000 needed for a trip to the St. Louis Children&39;s Hospital, where treatment was offered that could help Brecon walk. Only half the amount had been raised, said the report.Dan deliberated. Then, after considering that his own dream of walking could be years away, he donated his $30,000 to Brecon’s cause. “_44_ Brecon doesn’t. He needs it much more than I do.” Dan told a newspaper.Dan’s generosity received a great deal of attention, and contributions started pouring in to the Vaughan website. _45_ They’ve promised to give the excess funds, about $17,000, to the Tree of Hope charity, which helps sick children in the United Kingdom find specialized medical help. In October, Brecon and his family travelled to St. Louis to begin treatment.“What Dan did is great.” Brecon;s mother said “It is an extraordinary gift.”______

A.I know how it feels to walk.

B.The family soon exceeded their fund-raising goal.

C.He had a rare form of disease and never walked by himself.

D.After four years, donations to help Dan Black totaled nearly $30,000.

E.The accident left him unable to move from the chest down.

F.This is the only thing I could do to help him.

G.His dream to be a musician shattered.

A.I know how it feels to walk.

B.The family soon exceeded their fund-raising goal.

C.He had a rare form of disease and never walked by himself.

D.After four years, donations to help Dan Black totaled nearly $30,000.

E.The accident left him unable to move from the chest down.

F.This is the only thing I could do to help him.

G.His dream to be a musician shattered.

A.I know how it feels to walk.

B.The family soon exceeded their fund-raising goal.

C.He had a rare form of disease and never walked by himself.

D.After four years, donations to help Dan Black totaled nearly $30,000.

E.The accident left him unable to move from the chest down.

F.This is the only thing I could do to help him.

G.His dream to be a musician shattered.

A.I know how it feels to walk.

B.The family soon exceeded their fund-raising goal.

C.He had a rare form of disease and never walked by himself.

D.After four years, donations to help Dan Black totaled nearly $30,000.

E.The accident left him unable to move from the chest down.

F.This is the only thing I could do to help him.

G.His dream to be a musician shattered.

A.I know how it feels to walk.

B.The family soon exceeded their fund-raising goal.

C.He had a rare form of disease and never walked by himself.

D.After four years, donations to help Dan Black totaled nearly $30,000.

E.The accident left him unable to move from the chest down.

F.This is the only thing I could do to help him.

G.His dream to be a musician shattered.



Every living thing has what scientists call a biological clock that controls behavior. It tells plants when to 【C1】______ flowers and insects when to leave protective cocoon(茧) and fly away. And it tells animals and human beings when to 【C2】______ , sleep and seek food. It controls our body temperatures, the 【C3】______ of some hormones and even dreams. 

 Events 【C4】______ the plant and animal affect its actions. Scientists recently found that a tiny animal called Siberian hamster changes the color of its 【C5】______ because of the number of hours of 【C6】______ . In shorter days of winter its fur becomes white. The fur becomes gray-brown in longer 【C7】______ of daylight in summer. 

  【C8】______ signals control other biological clocks. German scientists found that some internal one seems to order birds to begin their 【C9】______  flights two times each year. Birds prevented from flying become 【C10】______ when it is time for the trip. 【C11】______ they become can again when the time of the flight has ended. A mix of outside and internal events controls some biological clocks;such things as heartbeat and the daily change from sleep to walking take place because of both external and internal signals. 

 Scientists are beginning to learn 【C12】______ parts of the brain contain the biologicaI clocks. A researcher at Harvard University. Dr. Martin Moore Ede, said a small group of cells near the front of the brain seemed to control the 【C13】______ of some of our actions. Probably there are other cells to control other body activities. He is studying 【C14】______ they affect the way we do our work. Most of us have great difficulty if we 【C15】______ often change to different work hours. 【C16】______ call take many days for a human body to 【C17】______ a major change in work hours. Industrial officials should have a better 【C18】______ of biological clocks and how they affect workers. He said such an understanding could 【C19】______ sickness and accidents at work, and would help increase 【C20】______ .







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